As experienced white collar crime defense attorneys, we know that regardless of career or social standing, anyone can be accused of or indicted for a white collar crime. These offenses are generally those that are financially motivated, and typically do not involve violence. Still, the criminal penalties if convicted are often extremely harsh, and even life changing.
Unfortunately, there are white collar crimes they may be unknowingly or at least not intentionally committed, such as failure to file a tax return. We are all humans, and mistakes can be made!
Various white collar crimes include:
Tax fraud
Computer crimes
Tax evasion
Tax evasion occurs when an individual fails to file a tax return. Tax fraud occurs when a person files a federal or state tax return or other form that is falsified or fraudulent intentionally. Many people commit tax fraud or evasion in an effort to reduce the amount of tax they have to pay, or to avoid paying taxes altogether. Understating income or claiming deductions you are not entitled to are ways of defrauding the government.
Embezzlement involves the conversion of money or property in a fraudulent manner using someone else’s property. Anyone who is convicted of embezzlement may face up to 10 years in prison according to Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 31 Section 642 of the U.S. code; fines will vary depending on the amount of money a person is found guilty of embezzling.
While being indicted for a white collar crime is certainly not as dramatic or news-making as for those who commit particularly heinous or violent crimes, the punishment can be just as severe. When you are being investigated for a computer crime, extortion, or any financial crime, you should be just as concerned about obtaining the legal support and guidance of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer as someone who has committed robbery or any other serious criminal offense. The punishment can be just as life changing.
At Fiumara & Milligan Law, PC we provide outstanding legal representation for individuals accused of all types of crimes, including tax evasion, bribery, fraud, tax fraud, and other financial crimes.
It is vital that you work with a skilled attorney in an effort to protect your freedom, reputation, and legal rights.
Call us today at 707-571-8600 OR 415-492-4507.
We are here to fight for your rights.