North Bay Medical Marijuana/Cannabis Attorneys
If you have been arrested for a Medical Marijuana/Cannabis related offense, contact the experienced team today. The sooner you call the better your chances of protecting your freedom and future.
Cases involving marijuana now require careful consideration of the impact that medical marijuana laws may have on a particular situation. Medical marijuana law is in a constant state of flux. As such, defense counsel must diligently stay up to date on current laws and avoid the pitfalls created by rumors and exaggerations rampant in the medicinal marijuana community.
Medical marijuana cards are not a trump card to avoid prosecution in all possession, use, or growing cases. The possession of a card is only the beginning of the analysis, which is why a defendant needs defense counsel who is experienced in this ever-changing area of law.
Common medical marijuana charges in the State of California include:
Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana (VC 23152)
Simple Possession of Marijuana (HS 11357)
Cultivation of Marijuana (HS 11358)
Possession of Marijuana With Intent to Sell (HS 11359)
Sale or Delivery of Marijuana (HS 11360)
Sale or Delivery of Marijuana to a Minor (HS 11361)
Possession of Paraphernalia (HS 11364)
Manufacturing of a Controlled Substance (HS 11379.6)
California has certain laws that regulate the amount of cannabis a medical marijuana user may possess. However, cities and counties are able to enact stricter guidelines regarding the state regulated amount. Therefore, a cannabis user who complies with state law can still be charged with certain drug possession crimes depending on the city or county they are located.
Although the state of California has legalized the proper use of medical marijuana, it is still illegal under Federal Law. Therefore a proper medical marijuana user will not be protected on federal land, and can be charged with a federal drug possession crime when in a National Park or Forest.
It is important that your medical marijuana defense attorney knows and continues to be knowledgeable on the changing regulations. This will give you the best possible defense to your medical marijuana related charges.
Call us today for your free case evaluation.