California Penal Codes, et al.

California Penal Codes, et al.

Please see the partial listing below for Penal Code, Vehicle Code, Health & Safety, Business & Professions, and Welfare & Institution code sections which provide helpful and useful information for your benefit.

If you have additional questions, or feel you may need representation, please feel free to contact us for a free consultation at 707-884-8888.

  1. Penal Code 118- Perjury
  2. Penal Code 141- Planting or Tampering with Evidence
  3. Penal Code 148-Resisting Arrest
  4. Penal Code 148.9- False Representation of a Police Officer
  5. Penal Code 182- Conspiracy
  6. Penal Code 186.10- Money Laundering
  7. Penal Code 187- Manslaughter
  8. Penal Code 207- Kidnapping
  9. Penal Code 211- Robbery
  10. Penal Code 215- Carjacking
  11. Penal Code 236.1- Human Trafficking
  12. Penal Code 240- Assault
  13. Penal Code 242- Battery
  14. Penal Code 243(d)- Battery with Serious Bodily Injury
  15. Penal Code 243(e)(1)- Domestic Battery/ Spousal Battery
  16. Penal Code 243.4- Sexual Battery
  17. Penal Code 245(a)(1)- Assault with A Deadly Weapon (ADW)
  18. Penal Code 245(a)(2)- Assault with a Firearm
  19. Penal Code 261- Rape
  20. Penal Code 261.5- Statutory Rape
  21. Penal Code 273(ab) -Assault resulting in death, comatose state, or paralysis of child under 8; imprisonment
  22. Penal Code 273.5 -Felony Domestic Violence
  23. Penal Code 273.6 -Violating a Restraining Order
  24. Penal Code 288(a)- Oral Copulation with a Minor
  25. Penal Code 289- Forcible Acts of Sexual Penetration
  26. Penal Code 311.11 -Possession of Child Pornography
  27. Penal Code 314 -Indecent Exposure
  28. Penal Code 417 –Brandishing a deadly weapon
  29. Penal Code 422 -Criminal Threats
  30. Penal Code 451-Arson
  31. Penal Code 459 -Burglary
  32. Penal Code 459.5 -Shoplifting/Petty Theft
  33. Penal Code 470 -Forgery
  34. Penal Code 487 -Grand Theft
  35. Penal Code 503 -Embezzlement
  36. Penal Code 518 -Extortion
  37. Penal Code 530.5 -Identity Theft
  38. Penal Code 594 -Vandalism
  39. Penal Code 597 -Animal Abuse
  40. Penal Code 602 -Trespassing
  41. Penal Code sections 626.9 and 626.10 – Weapons on California School Grounds
  42. Penal Code 646.9 -Stalking
  43. Penal Code 647.6 -Annoying or Molesting a Minor
  44. Penal Code 647(b) -Soliciting Prostitution
  45. Penal Code 647(f) -Drunk in Public
  46. Penal Code 1000 -Proposition 36/Drug Court
  47. Penal Code 1320 & 1320.5 -Failure to Appear
  48. Penal Code 25400 – Carrying a Concealed Weapon
  49. Penal Code 12202.7 – Great Bodily Injury


  1. Vehicle Code 2800.1 – Evading a Peace or Police Officer
  2. Vehicle Code 12500 – Driving without a License
  3. Vehicle Code 14601(a) – Driving on a Suspended License
  4. Vehicle Code 16028 – Driving without insurance
  5. Vehicle Code 20001(a) – Felony Hit & Run
  6. Vehicle Code 20002(a) – Misdemeanor Hit & Run
  7. Vehicle Code 23103 – Reckless Driving
  8. Vehicle Code 23136 – Underage Drinking
  9. Vehicle Code 23152(a) – Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  10. Vehicle Code 23152(b) – Driving with a BAC of 0.08% or greater
  11. Vehicle Code 23152(e) – Driving Under the Influence of Drugs
  12. Vehicle Code 23153 – DUI with Injury
  13. Vehicle Code 40508 – Failure to Appear


  1. Health & Safety Code 11350- H&S Possession of a Controlled Substance
  2. Health & Safety Code 11351- Health & Safety Code 11364- H&S Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  3. Health & Safety Code 11352- Transportation, Sale, Distribution of Controlled Substances
  4. Health & Safety Code 11357- H&S Possession of Marijuana (Personal Use)
  5. Health & Safety Code 11358- Cultivation of Marijuana
  6. Health & Safety Code 11359- Possession of Marijuana for sale 
  7. Health & Safety Code 11360- Marijuana Sales—Transportation, Distribution, or Importation.
  8. Health & Safety Code 11364- H&S Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  9. Health & Safety Code 11375- Possession of Xanax
  10. Health & Safety Code 11377- Possession of Methamphetamines
  11. Health & Safety Code 11378- Possession for sale of Methamphetamine


  1. Business & Professions Code 25658– Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor
  2. Business & Professions Code 25662-Minor in Possession of Alcohol
  3. Business & Professions Code 4060- Possession of a Controlled Substance
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