Jail Alternatives


The jail population has exploded particularly in California where the governor and the legislature have worked together to approve various ballot measures and authorize new programs to rehabilitate prisoners verses building expensive new jail facilities.

Therefore, the courts and even the prosecutors have become more receptive to alternatives to incarceration. The recent Realignment Act and subsequent more liberal ballot measures has opened up the flood gates for more and more alternatives to jail, especially in the more liberal North County area, but there are still pockets of resistance.

As long as a criminal charge does not have a mandatory sentence required by the law, judges have some discretion to utilize the following jail alternatives, listed below. However, it is still vitally important that your criminal defense attorney zealously advocate a suitable JAIL ALTERNATIVE for you.

Our knowledgeable and highly skilled attorneys have made it a hallmark of their practice to use all means possible to secure a sentencing agreement that includes an alternative to jail or prison whenever possible.

This is especially important in cases involving less serious criminal charges and crimes that do not involve serious bodily injury or violence. If a defendant is convicted at their trial, it is just as important for defense counsel or his/her attorney to reach a sentencing agreement with the district attorney or prosecutor or to persuade the judge to use his/her discretion to impose any number of the below mentioned jail alternatives—and NOT JAIL!

Call us today at 707-571-8600 To Find Out What Options You Have For Your Case. 

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