Penalties & Sentencing Enhancements

DUI Penalties and Sentence Enhancements

Punishments for DUI in California can be very serious. The penalties may include loss of license, probation, jail or prison time, hefty fines, mandatory court imposed alcohol programs, as well as much higher auto insurance rates and difficulty in getting employment.

These penalties may be enhanced if certain violations occur. If you have been arrested for a DUI, contact experienced North Bay DUI Attorney right away. He will be able to aggressively and successfully defend you against DUI charges.

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Here is a brief overview of the possible penalties for DUI in California:

For first DUI offense:

4 month license suspension

Attendance of mandatory alcohol program for 3 to 9 months

Possible fines from $390.00 – $1,000.00

Probation for 3 to 5 years

Possible jail time of up to 12 months

Huge hikes in auto insurance premiums or loss of insurance altogether

Second offense occurring within 10 years of first:

2 year license suspension

Attendance of mandatory alcohol program for 18 months

Possible fines from $390.00 – $1,000.00

Probation for 5 years

Possible jail time of up to 1 year

Huge hikes in auto insurance premiums or loss of insurance altogether

Third offense occurring within 10 years:

3 year license suspension

Attendance of mandatory alcohol program for 18 months

Possible fines from $390.00 – $1,000.00

Probation for 5 years

Possible jail time of up to 1 year; mandatory minimum 120 days in jail.

Huge hikes in auto insurance premiums or loss of insurance altogether

Fourth offense within 10 years:

May be charged as a felony

4 year license suspension

Attendance of mandatory alcohol program for 18 months

Possible fines from $390.00 – $1,000.00

Probation for 5 years

County jail or state prison time.

Huge hikes in auto insurance premiums or loss of insurance altogether

The above penalties may be increased for certain violations. These types of violations are known as sentence enhancements. The additional punishments for each of the following sentencing enhancements vary.

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Sentence enhancements include:

Refusing to take a chemical test.

BAC over .15%.

Excessive speeds of 30 miles over limit on highways and 20 miles over limit on other roadways.

A person under the age of 14 was a passenger in the car.

The DUI resulted in an accident.

There were serious or fatal injuries involved.

The accused is under the age of 21.

It is important to hire an attorney experienced in defending DUI cases. DUI charges can lead to multiple license suspensions, probation, hefty fines and jail, or, even, state prison time depending on how many prior convictions you may have had and whether or not the DUI involved injuries or death.

Your attorney should be aware of how to attack and discredit breathalyzer and field sobriety tests and should be able to utilize his specialized knowledge in DUI offenses to successfully defend you at a jury trial.

Our Santa Rosa DUI attorneys has successfully defended people with their DUI charges. We will evaluate your case honestly and give you the best course of action for your defense.

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Don’t Assume You Are Guilty!

Contact Us today at 707-571-8600. 

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